


The concept of 'Strategic Initiatives' was already defined in the NWE Operational Programme. There it was considered as a novel approach for project development in a limited number of strategic fields. The strategic fields have become obvious from a SWOT Analysis and from several workshops organised by the Joint Technical Secretariat with external experts in 2007/2008 (research, policy makers, adminstrations, consultants etc). One of the topics identified and further analysed has been 'adaptation to the spatial impacts of climate change'. Hence, the Programme decided to initiate a strategic cluster in this field which became SIC adapt!

By now, three Strategic Clusters exist in NWE. Each of these Clusters is addressing specific issues identified as having strategic importance for the Programme. The clusters effectively combine a strategic top-down perspective with the traditional bottom-up involvement of key actors. They are characterised by strong communicaton aspects and shall further improve transnational cooperation in the Programme.

The three already approved clusters in NWE are:

  • SYNAPTIC: Innovative approaches to urban, inter-urban and rural public passenger transport (for more info on SYNAPTIC klick here)
  • ENVIREO (formely CALGREST): Bringing forward innovative approaches to sustainable energy promotion and management
  • SIC adapt!: Adaptation to the spatial impacts of climate change

Why is this cluster needed? - Quotes from the Programme:

"A strategic impact can be achieved by the coordination of actions of different regular projects."

"… the cluster experiment could (…) be used to monitor how clusters have a positive impact on project  implementation."

"There needs to be active cooperation, not just discussion, among the projects in order to have a strategic impact."